Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Tess! Well we've finished the driving part of our journey. Along with Grandpa John, Mom, Luke and I drove from Hesston, Kansas to Vancouver, Washington. It was quite a haul but we had alot of fun at some stops we made. One of the days we stopped at Mt. Rushmore and Devils Tower. Those were both amazing places. Devils Tower was my favorite. The lines in the rock made it even more interesting. Mount Rushmore was also incredible. There is a walkway that goes up the mountain so it seems like you're right under the noses of the presidents!!! ONe of my favorite parts was seeing the buffalo. When we were in South Dakota, we were driving in some hills and turned the corner and saw ALOT of buffalo!! We stopped to take pictures,but Luke got a bit freaked out. He was afraid one was going to come charge the car!! :)
Today, we get on the ship to Alaska. We ride two and a half days, then stop in Juneau for a day, then ride three more days. Its going to be another part in our adventure!!
Well, I have to go to pack up the car for the boat! Keep you updated!

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